Can Dogs Get Frostbite?

Can Dogs Get Frostbite? Frostbite is a condition that occurs when skin and underlying tissues freeze after being exposed to very low temperatures. Just like humans, dogs are susceptible to this cold weather ailment. The extremities such as the paws, ears, and tail are most at risk. The drop in temperature causes the blood vessels
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Are Cat Hairballs Normal?

Are Cat Hairballs Normal? Cats are diligent groomers. As they clean their coats, they swallow loose hairs. These hairs can form what we commonly call a hairball. Scientifically termed “trichobezoars,” hairballs are clumps of undigested hair mixed with stomach contents. Most often, these clumps pass through the digestive system and are expelled during defecation. However,
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Why Does My Dog Keep Panting in Groveport, OH?

Why Does My Dog Keep Panting in Groveport, OH? If you’re a dog owner in Groveport, OH, and you’re wondering, “Why does my dog keep panting?” you’ve come to the right place. At Groveport Canal Animal Hospital, we understand that our furry friends can sometimes exhibit concerning behaviors. Excessive panting is one such behavior that
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