Providing Humane Pet Euthanasia in Groveport, OH
Caring for your pet throughout their lifetime is a huge privilege for our team. We take pride in being trusted with your pet’s health care, but it also means a lot to us to be able to help them across the rainbow bridge when their time comes. Pet euthanasia is a challenging and emotional topic to discuss, but we’re here to answer all your questions and make you feel less alone. Our veterinarians and staff can help you figure out the best course of action for your companion, and whether that involves hospice care or pet euthanasia, our Groveport, OH vet team will be there to support you through it all.
Schedule a consultation with us to talk about your pet’s needs. Call (614) 836-3222.
Prior to your consultation, we graciously ask you to complete our online form. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here for you during this time.

Gauging Quality of Life for Your Pet
Understanding your pet’s quality of life can help you make important decisions about their future. If your companion has a good prognosis, we can decide on a treatment plan that keeps them comfortable and happy. But if they have a poor prognosis, euthanasia may be the more humane option. Like you, we don’t want your pet to suffer. A poor quality of life generally includes these signs/symptoms:
- Sleeping all the time
- Isn’t eating or drinking
- Chronic vomiting/diarrhea
- Incontinent
- Cannot walk or stand
- Doesn’t show interest in play or interaction
- Is in pain most or all of the time
The Pet Euthanasia Procedure
If you decide to go forward with euthanasia for your pet, we can help you schedule an appointment so you and your pet get the time and attention you deserve. Should you and your family have any specific requests for us, we’ll do all we can to fulfill them.
When we perform a pet euthanasia procedure, we first administer an injection to help sedate your pet so they are relaxed and not nervous. Once they are fully relaxed and you give us permission, we’ll administer the euthanasia injection. Your pet will not feel any stress or pain at this time.
If you have plans for your pet’s remains, please let us know so we can help you make arrangements. To find out more, call us at (614) 836-3222.